Happy Women's Day 2020

On celebrating this year’s International Women’s Day with the theme “I am Generation Equality: Realizing Women’s Rights”, we try to explore in brief the progress made by women in field of actuarial science and mathematics.

There is no doubt that the number of women in the field has widely increased as more women are in the field. The wide spread women empowering campaigns like Women In STEM done by different associations and institutes like African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) has definitely given a positive impact.

Focusing on Actuarial field the number of registered actuaries in Actuarial Society of South Africa increased from 15% in 2010 to 21.8% in 2016 and speaking of today, this percent is has been anticipated to increase.

Happy Women's Day Actuaries!

Prepared by;
John Kitwika and Muhanad Suleiman
